Adan norberto prieto
The course is quite friendly, it has been a great help to me and I am not just thinking about continuing, I am going to continue learning.

Luis Juarez
I reinforced what I had already learned in theory, I was able to put it into practice completely, through all the exercises that we saw in the workshop.
Gabriel Mosqueda
The instructors are always ready to answer any questions and make sure that the topics are fully understood, even after finishing the course they continue to advise me whenever I need it.

Enrique Sanchez
We have feedback every day, we have advice, doubts are resolved, we talk and the course takes you by the hand.

Juan Jose Lopez Espinal
I am very happy because in a short time I learned a lot.
Eduar Antunez
CTRL has been a challenge for me, since with this course its effectiveness and its educational status is of a high level and it challenges you to improve yourself.